Anti-Bullying charity BulliesOut is launching a campaign aimed at addressing workplace bullying from Monday during anti-bullying week.
The Cardiff -based charity has produced the Stop Workplace Bullying campaign centred around an online charter for businesses to sign in order to pledge their support for ensuring their workplaces follow correct procedures and support all those affected if issues arise.
Linda James, BulliesOut CEO , said: “The Stop Workplace Bullying campaign is vitally important for us as we start to work with businesses in Wales around workplace bullying, what it means, how to spot issues and what to do if you are aware of anything going on.
“The charter will allow us to communicate a number of businesses in Wales who are standing up to bullying in the workplace and who are committed to supporting its staff through any issues.
“The benefit to businesses committing to the charter is that it sends a message to all staff that bullying will not be tolerated in their environment, and the correct procedures will be followed to ensure all parties are appropriately supported during any instances that may occur.”
The charter will be hosted on the Bullies-Out website and businesses are encouraged to tweet their support once the pledge has been made.
A survey by Slater and Gordon Solicitors earlier this year found one in three employees felt they had been bullied and 21% had witnessed colleagues being bullied.
Bullying in the workplace currently causes the loss of 18 million working days every year. Bullying and harassment creates an unhappy and unproductive workplace which can result in poor morale and poor performance.
Referee Nigel Owens, patron of the charity, said: “Bullying creates a negative environment and the long term effects can be emotionally detrimental. The experience of being bullied can end up causing lasting damage.
“BulliesOut is working towards creating environments whereby people who are being bullied, or witness bullying, feel empowered to speak out. I am pleased to support such a worthy cause.”
Mrs James, who was awarded an MBE in 2012, said: “This campaign will raise awareness about issues between people at work.
“People shouldn’t be anxious about going to work and earning a living. We need to be clear that bullying isn’t just an issue that affects children.”
Visit or @bulliesout follow the campaign via #NotInMyWork